GC 000021 Fuji Glass Ionomer Lining Cement LC Light Cured 1:1 Intro Package

GC 000021 Fuji Glass Ionomer Lining Cement LC Light Cured 1:1 Intro Package

$ 126.39

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Light-cured, glass ionomer lining material available in a paste-paste formula that is used as a liner or a base under composite resin or amalgam restorations. High-compressive strength, minimal polymerization shrinkage, and extremely low solubility. GC Fuji Lining LC - 1:1 Intro Package. Glass Ionomer Lining Cement. Light-Cured, Fluoride Releasing, Radiopaque, cures in 30 seconds to over 2 minutes. 1:1 Package: 10 Gm. Powder, 6.8 mL Liquid, Scoop and Mixing Pad.

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